Ep. 17: Corvidopolis - Art, Nature & The Mysteries of the Mushroom Tarot (feat. Chris Adams)

Today on Mushroom Hour we are excited to chat with Chris Adams - illustrator & print-maker from Corvallis, Oregon. Chris is the driving force behind Corvidopolis, an art & apparel company, and he is the creator of The Mushroom Tarot.

We'll gather our gear and hike through vast tracts of old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to see how Chris transformed from an aspiring architect into a mushroom-obsessed artist. His own personal journey into mycology became an inspiration for the stunning art and graphic apparel that he creates today. We'll learn about how he started his business as an artist and screen-printer. And we'll even discover the artistic influences that helped create the unique Corvidopolis style that blends a love of nature with a healthy heaping of weird.

Chris' newest project is creating a full-color, 81-card mushroom-themed Tarot deck. The system of tarot is an ancient one that has seen many interpretations over the centuries. From the earliest cards passed along the Silk Road to the renowned Rider-Waite deck and more modern interpretations, the symbolism of the tarot has always found deep resonance with the many archetypes of human experience. Kingdom fungi also shows up symbolically throughout human history in art. We'll learn about this modern mycophile's journey of crafting his own understanding of the tarot system and the process of selecting fungal iconography that can invoke the same energies of the classic major and minor arcana. How does one find their own authentic path when crafting a new interpretation of a system that has such a revered and ancient history?

Be sure to support the Mushroom Tarot Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/corvidopolis/the-mushroom-tarot-full-color-full-deck

Thanks for listening and Mush Love!   

Directed, Recorded, Produced by: Mushroom Hour 

Music by: Ancient Baby   
Art by: Wyn Di Stefano 

Episode Resources 
Corvidopolis Website: https://corvidopolis.com/
Mushroom Tarot Website: https://mushroomtarot.com/
Corvidopolis IG: https://www.instagram.com/corvidopolis/
Mushroom Tarot IG: https://www.instagram.com/mushroomtarot/

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