We put down the social media and pick up a walking stick as we set off to explore our local biodiversity of plants and mushrooms and then chart a course along the Appalachian trail with educator, scientist and author Kristen Wickert AKA Kaydubs the Hiking Scientist as our guide!
From Puerto Rican coffee farms to the microbial coral reef that is Biochar we explore new perspectives on "waste", the transforming powers of pyrolysis and grounded views on soil remediation with hyphal princess, scientist and host of "The Community Agriculture Project" - Emily Davis!
Weaving through the redwood forests, we find the Santa Cruz Mountain Mushroom Festival and immerse ourselves in a gathering of mushroom foragers, cultivators and educators to celebrate ever-evolving mycophile culture while we learn about the cutting edge of commercial mushroom farming with Kyle Garrone of Farwest Fungi!
We spiral into a veritable fungal vortex as we join mycophiles from all over at the All Things Fungi Festival to explore biofluorescence, macrophotography, myxomycetes and more with festival founders Jana Nicole and Max Mudie!
We explore the wilds and seasons of Northern California, sniff for truffles and explore uncertain futures with Maria Finn - wild food educator, mycophagist and author of the new book "Forage.Gather.Feast"!
We witness natural renewal in Detroit's urban landscape, learn mycology in a freight container and playfully find our way to the enchanting world of "The Very Merry Mushrooms" with author, educator and foundress of Fungi Freights Tess Lassman!
We hear the mushrooms' call to adventure and embark on a journey from the Netherlands to Guatemala to hear stories of transformation, education and sacred mycology with community facilitator, mushroom cultivator & mycology educator Jasper Degenaars from Fungi Academy!
We go in search of the underexplored fungal biodiversity of Oklahoma as we forage, isolate and cultivate wild mushroom strains and learn about the future of the Oklahoma Mushroom Festival with educator, chemist and pioneering mycophile Jacob Devecchio of Oklahoma Fungi!
We take a journey into the genomes of psychoactive mushrooms and marvel at the the thousands of different compounds fungi produce as veritable chemical factories with analytical chemist, mycology educator and founding member of both Hyphae Labs and the Center for Myco Analytics, Ian Bollinger!
We get hyped about building fungal commnunity in the Myco Zine, the psychedelic research of Hyphae Labs and how we can all take up a pen to start improving our lives with chemist, forager and narrator, Tomas Garret!
We ride a slipstream of consciousness channeled from William Padilla-Brown as he shares emerging trends in microbiology, genetics, cordyceps, and seemingly activates something deep within us as he urges everyone to embrace our role in the unbroken chain of biology that spans time and space.
It's always a mind-expanding journey with William Padilla-Brown of Mycosymbiotics - Will elucidates elements of our collective experience, takes us to the quintessence of being human, explains how we can build new systems, and invites us to align our lives to support ecosystem regeneration.