Weaving through a vast, global forest network we witness how novel interactions between plants, animals and fungi lead to outbreaks of disease that threaten established forest ecosystems and how humans can use tools like Sentinel Trees to better understand and mitigate these impacts with US Forest Service International Sentinel Network Coordinator Geoffrey Williams PhD!
We sit in ceremony with NFL legend Jake Plummer, UFC champion Rashad Evans and psychedelic activist Del Jolly to celebrate functional mushrooms and gather inspiration from the fungal queendom!
From the forests of Greece to the underserved communities working to exist within America's oligarchy, we see how mushrooms create connection, inspire solutions and give us hope with lifelong mycophile and founder of Smugtown Mushrooms, Olga Tzogas!
Off to the wilds of England we discover a bounty of wild food at our fingertips and along the way rekindle a connection with nature that our society is in danger of losing altogether, guided by "recovering weirdo", wild food podcaster and author Miles Irving!
Into the Screaming Abyss we go, streaming through psychedelic biochemistry, potential futures for human civilization and more with psychedelic icon and ethnopharmacological researcher Dr. Dennis McKenna!
We brave the cold to reach Minnesota's Itasca Research Station for a full immersion into the process of wood rot and we enter a world of dynamite-throwing fungi, enzymatic manipulations, carbon cycle mysteries and more led by wizard of wood decay, University of Minnesota Professor Jonathan Schilling!
Bouncing from Italy to Amsterdam we go on a journey into the world of SQIM/Mogu, where building materials and fabrics made of fungi are just the beginning of an incredible symbiosis that may see us ultimately merge completely with mushrooms and Chief Mycelium Officer Maurizio Montalti is our guide!
We chase wild mushrooms through the Virginia woods where we discover a hidden network of egalitarian communities as the fungi open our minds to non-binary perspectives with educator, self-taught mycologist and adventurous mycophagist Jules Amanita!
We strap on a molecular motor and immerse ourselves into the flow of molecules racing through mycorrhizal networks as we explore intricate biological market dynamics between plants and fungi with evolutionary biologist and co-founder of the Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (SPUN), Prof. Toby Kiers!
Imbibe wisdom from wizard of the wood Fergus Drennan as he shares tales of wild food delicacies, books made from mushrooms, communing with the mythical Amanita muscaria and so much more!
To the sovereign isle of Singapore we go, breaking through socioeconomic norms and a sterilized relationship with nature, right into the mycelium underground where mycophiles are exploring fungal possibilities in food and materials science led by artist and freethinker Ng Sze Kiat, founder of Bewilder SG!
We ascend the heights of music stardom then journey back to our roots as we dive into the mycological world with "Blue Zoo" lead singer, and field mycologist par excellence, Andy Overall!